Back From Chaos

Dealing with the Chaos of Grief

Blog 9

Change is in the Air Hard to believe summer is almost over. It seems like since my loss the years are on warp drive going faster and faster. But why has my grief not taken off and gone away? Why… Continue Reading →

Blog 8

Come what may… As we continue our journey grief remains with us like a constant toothache, unfortunately life around us continues on an if nothing has disturbed the balance of nature or your little corner of the world. Once you… Continue Reading →

Blog 7

Miscellaneous Hello everyone hope you are finding some good information and helpful tips so far in the grief process you are going through. I know it is a lot of information to absorb while still processing your loss, just know… Continue Reading →

Blog 6

Maintaining Maintaining that’s an interesting word it can mean to carry on, keep going, rebuild, sustain nurture and uphold. Just a few of its many meanings, I selected these as they relate to our grieving process and how we are… Continue Reading →

Blog 5

Welcome back I hope in some small way my blogs are helping everyone even if it is just understanding what some of your feelings are and why you are reacting the way you do. There is no one size fits… Continue Reading →

Blog 4

As you continue on this journey of grief that no one wants to ever be on; there are a lot of unknown feelings and components that make up this new chaos we are trapped in. In the last blog we… Continue Reading →

BLOG 3 Sorry this blog is a little late, it has been a rough past week as we all know they crop up when we least expect them to. But all is good, and I want to get us back… Continue Reading →

Back from Chaos

Blog 2 – Once things get back to normal for the rest of the world, you feel you are in a boat all alone in the center of the ocean with no one around. At the funeral or memorial service… Continue Reading →

Back from Chaos

Blog 1: The Beginning of Chaos Welcome to my first blog on this website. I’m Marie and I am excited to share my thoughts and experiences on grief and getting through the chaos of it all. I created this blog… Continue Reading →

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